
Why write when AI can do it for you?

I was talking to a friend and when I told him I was going to start blogging again, he asked me why. I was taken aback at first and asked him to clarify his question.

Why write when AI can do it for you?

His question stems from the idea that blogging is now a "dead art", because why would you spend a lot of time writing an article when ChatGPT can pump out 10 of them in the same amount of time. He's not the only one thinking this way. And to be honest, he's not wrong.

When it comes to blogging, it really depends on what you're doing and what your goals are.

A few years ago, when I was working in marketing, writing articles or newsletters was part of my daily job and a tool like ChatGPT would've been incredible back then. It would've helped me to get started, get over writer's block, expand on my ideas or even write entire articles for me. Suddenly the amount of time I spent writing would be greatly reduced and I could focus on more important issues.

If your goal is to pump out blog posts that no user ever cares about, just for the sake of SEO and link building, then ChatGPT may be the tool for the job. Just a caveat, I'm not saying that all content marketing is useless, but at least the one I was doing... was. It's hard to match what users want to read with what stakeholders expect.

This is one use case for ChatGPT, but on the other side of the coin we have my personal use case. This is supposed to be my personal space and it has one main purpose: to get me back into writing. It's a place for me to slow down and think about what's happening around me. A place where I can write about a simple conversation I had with a friend, or the book I'm reading, or my upcoming trip. It doesn't really matter to me. I just want to get back to writing and improve my writing skills, my communication skills and even my English.

In the end, that's what I told him, my 'why'. And with the goals I have in mind, having someone/something write for me wouldn't help me achieve my goals.

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