
A different way to read a book

I'm a big fan of films, especially Quentin Tarantino films. So when I discovered that Quentin Tarantino had written his first non-fiction book about cinema, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

Cinema Speculation is a blend of film theory, film criticism and personal reflections. It offers readers a unique insight into the life of one of the most acclaimed directors of our time - controversial, I know, but I'll fight anyone who doesn't think he's one of the greats. In this book he shares his thoughts on films, what they mean to him and why this art form is so important to him.

When I first opened the book I noticed that most of the chapters were organised around a key film from QT's childhood. I consider myself to be a big film buff, but admittedly my own knowledge of film has many gaps, especially when it comes to films before the 80s, so when I read the list I realised how big of a gap there was. I've only seen 4 of the 13 films (marked with a * below) that are worthy of their own chapter.

The movies are:

I figured that since I had very little connection with the works Tarantino chose, it wouldn't be the best idea to jump straight into Tarantino's commentary. In order to solve this little problem, I came up with a simple solution: before each chapter, I have to do my homework!

This is a book I intend to take my time with and consume slowly. Mainly because when it comes to older films, I need just the right ambience to really enjoy them. The right mood and the perfect time of day (night in my case, when there are no distractions or noise) are a must. That's why I can't devour this book as quickly as others. I have to take my time with. But that's okay, not everything should be devoured in a rush, and maybe I'll even write down my thoughts on each chapter?

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